
Posts Tagged ‘Healthy Breakfast’

Oatmeal is a blank slate. It’s a perfect way to “healthify” your favorite desserts. There are endless toppings, mix-ins, and flavorings that make it a new experience each and every time. 

I am obsessed with oatmeal! 

 I’ve already shared my Banana Foster Oatmeal recipe, which is a definite winner in my book, and now I’ll share the Apple-pie oatmeal recipe that give me the warm flavors of “Fall” in a perfect little bowl 🙂



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Your breakfast cereal can make or break you.

The aisle is endless.  The sugary, chocolatey ones are calling your name.

I mean, can it get any more difficult to select a cereal!!!

Well, I’ve tried out several different cereals, looked at their nutritional information in my “The Calorie King: Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter” and have made a few cereals a staple in my pantry.

Everyone says how breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so treat it as such.

Pick something that will fill you with energy and give you the feeling of satisfaction after eating it.

Now, let’s get something straight, I like to eat and I do wake up ready for a yummy breakfast.

I don’t like to feel hungry.

So, because of this, I’d rather have an entire cup of cereal that’s healthy, rather than 1/2 a cup of not-so-good cereal because of the high fat, sugar, and caloric content.  If you’re like me, and want finish your breakfast feeling satisfied, keep reading my list of cereals that give you the most bang for your buck.  Ok, I don’t mean it in a financial way…cereal is freakin’ expensive! I mean, the most nutritional value, the most quantity, and the best flavor possible.


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